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Vital Earth Humic Acid Capsules


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Vital Earth Minerals Humic Caps, 120 Capsules

Let Humic Acid Caps Help You!
Influenza (Colds), Norovirus, Herpes, HIV, HPV,
Shingles, Mononucleosis, Hepatitis C,
SARS, Warts, SV40, Zika Virus, and more . . .

Supports Viral Immunity

Viral Infections Will Never Be The Same!

Natural - Safe - Tested

125 mg of Humic Acid per Tablet!

Why Humic Caps is the world's premiere humic acid derived product?

Humic acid is an all-natural material formed from composted vegetable matter. Deposits are typically over 50,000 years old. There are many sources of humic acid; it is found in soil as a black material, and in peat. Soil humic acids are known variously as lignite, leonardite, or brown coal.

The properties of humic acid can vary from soil to soil, based on many complex factors. Over ten years of extensive research and development have been poured into identifying the optimal source, processing procedures designed to maximize efficacy, and testing protocols to ensure reproducibility and guarantee safety.

How does Humic Caps work?

Humic Caps is, in essence, a prophylactic that hinders microbial action. This in turn helps the host’s own natural immune system to maintain overall health and wellness.

The anti-viral benefit of Humic Caps stems not from it's impact on the body, but on it's effects on viruses inside the body. Humic Caps interferes with a virus's ability to connect (fuse) with a host cell into which it would otherwise inject it's DNA/RNA into that host cell, hijacking it, and fooling it into making more like viruses. This process helps to reduce the growth of the viral army and with sufficient Humic Caps in the body, the intention is that the viral army will be reduced allowing the body's natural immune system, as well as any current medications, to more effectively battle the viral infection.

Humic minerals are derived from plant matter rich in essential elements and trace minerals. At 600 mg, Vital Earth Humic Caps are their most potent Humic product. All the benefits of Vital Earth's liquid humic minerals, but in a convenient, highly absorbable vegetable capsule form. Vital Earth Humic Caps do not contain any excipients, filler or binders. Vital Earth Humic Caps are convenient for traveling, assist the body with better sleep, diminish food cravings, oxygenate the body, detoxify and enhance healing. Each serving contains over 70 naturally occurring plant derived minerals rich in essential minerals, trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. Minerals are needed by the body for every function from heart function, bone building, balancing brain chemistry and hormone production.

Cultures across the world that get an abundance of natural humic in their daily lives are free from the degenerative diseases common to the United States. Living humic is so complex that as hard as scientist try, they cannot duplicate humic, or fabricate a substitute. Since our fruits and vegetables are now terribly deficient in humic, the most reliable daily source is to supplement with living minerals, extracted directly from whole food based humic and bottled as a highly absorbable liquid.

Antibiotic and Antiviral Qualities
Nutritional scientists have found that humic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics and antivirals ever. With continual use, humic inhibits infections, minimizes catching colds and flu, and neutralizes viruses.

It can be used indefinitely without creating antibiotic resistance. Daily use will assist the body in manufacturing glycoproteins that balance and regulate the immune system, provide hormone support and give strength to cell membranes.

Humic extracts can be thought of as defenders of all biological mechanisms. Humic protects the body's cells, accelerates healing processes, fights malignant cells, and disrupts oxidative stress. humic's structural complexity make it one of the most powerful chelating (detoxifying) agents known.

Who would use Humic Minerals:
anyone who shows signs of a mineral deficiency and is seeking to increase their mineral intake. If disease is present, this is a clear symptom that minerals are deficient and absorption is impaired.

Benefits of Humic Minerals

  • Enhance healing
  • Detoxify
  • Digestive Relief
  • Boost immune system function
  • Improve metabolism
  • Balance hormones
  • Blood Sugar Support
  • Repair and regenerate cells
  • Improve circulation
  • Energizes cells
  • Oxygenate the body
  • Diminish cravings
  • Feed nutrient deficiencies
  • Improve mental function, concentration, moods
  • Achieve sound restful sleep
  • Highly absorbable capsule
  • No fillers or binders to block absorption
  • No polysorbate 80, polyethylene glycol or titanium dioxide

Humic Caps will have the greatest impact in the arenas of human health and maintenance of well-being; as well as in veterinary applications involving animal and fish defenses against health challenges. Protects cells and DNA supporting healthy gene expression.

In live-animal trials, the Humic Caps material exhibited no detectable toxic or other side effects at levels 50-100 times higher than would ordinarily be used in practice.

Humic Caps is highly effective in supporting a healthy immune system – and assists in maintaining overall health – even during seasonal times of runny noses and aching muscles.

* All natural
* From tested sources
* No side effects
* Does not interfere with prescription drugs
* Recommended for all people 6 years and older
* Also safe for pets, fish, and domestic animals

Humic acid has also been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic traditions of India. Known as shilajit, it is a recognized rejuvenator and adaptogen.

Humic Acid...Nature's Most Powerful AntiOxidant!

      Scientists have discovered this missing link in our food chain, and can see that the rapidly increasing degenerative diseases worldwide may be directly related to the absence of this substance in the human diet. Learn more...
      Until recently, most of the world has been kept in the dark about a "miraculous" medical discovery that is so safe, powerful and effective that "doctors" spanning the globe have used it for thousands of years with amazing results.

      Called the "missing link" to optimum health and nutrition by leading scientists, medical studies have shown that this "secret extract" has the ability to change one's life for the better.

      Scientists have discovered this "missing link" in our food chain, and can see that the rapidly increasing degenerative diseases worldwide may be directly related to the absence of this substance in the human diet.

      Now, experts know that more than vitamins and minerals are required for optimal health, and this third nutritional element may be equally important.

      This breakthrough discovery is supported by little-known and even secret medical research coming from top institutions around the world... medical schools, hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical laboratories.

      Most of the world doesn't yet know about this amazing discovery and for some very good reasons:

      • Scientists didn't know it existed, couldn't detect it, and when they finally did identify it, it was so complex that they couldn't understand it.
      • Some of the medical institutions doing the research are more interested in making enormous profits from developing synthetic patented drugs, which is why they prefer you not know about this natural alternative.
      • Pharmaceutical companies have been rushing to patent synthetic versions of this natural substance, and dozens of patents have been approved. Yet Mother Nature has them all beat because they'll never be able to duplicate her handiwork. This substance is far too complex!
      • An estimated 80% of pharmaceutical drugs are tiny, isolated synthetic fractions of this WHOLE AND COMPLETE "missing link" from nature.

      Humic Acid

      So what, you may be asking yourself, is this "Miracle Substance?" The answer lies in the Earth's very own ancient and rich soil deposits more commonly known as Humus. Humus is that organic portion of soil that remains after millions of years of microbial decomposition of plants and vegetation.

      Further decomposition of these ancient remains form our oil and coal deposits. But geologists have found another most unusual strata that are called humic deposits.

      They are quite rare and can be found only in certain areas of the world. It is these deposits that are exceedingly rich in our miraculous, little known substance called Humic Acid.

      What Is Humic Acid?

        Humic acid, by definition, is a fraction of humic substances composed of a long chain molecule, which is high in molecular weight, dark brown in color and soluble in an alkaline solution. Again, little is known about this amazing molecular complex but what is known is that Humic acid, depending on the need for balance in the whatever situation, can behave as both a donor or acceptor of electrons.

        What this means in laymen's terms is that it will bind to both positive and negatively charged ions making it the most powerful free-radical scavenger and natural anti-oxidant known. Which makes sense, since Humic Acid has long been used in various ancient cultures as folk remedies for a wide variety of illnesses?

        The following are excerpts from Bard, R. Effects of Humic Acid on Animals and Humans, 2002, pages 3-7, a review of current research of the many traditional uses for Humic Acid:

        Immune System:

          "Humates boost the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, M.D., Immunologist of UCLA Medical School suggests that the mechanism is related to the humates ability to complex sugars within the body.

          "The abundance of these complex sugars allows the body to manufacture glycoproteins that attach to the killer and T cell acting as a modulator or communication link between the cells. This regulates the immune system cells and prevents either T or Killer cells from becoming out of balance.

          Types Of T Cells
          T cells are a subset of lymphocytes that play a large role in the immune response. The abbreviation "T" stands for thymus, the organ in which their final stage of development occurs.
          • Cytotoxic "Killer" T cells (CD8+) destroy infected cells. These cells function as "killer" or cytotoxic cells because they are able to destroy target cells which express specific antigens that they recognize.
          • Helper T cells (CD4+) are "middlemen" in the immune response. When they get activated, they proliferate and secrete cytokines that regulate or "help" effector lymphocyte function. They are known as one of the targets of HIV infection, and the decrease of CD4+ T cells results in AIDS. Some helper T cells secrete cytokines that turn off the immune response once an antigen has been eliminated from the body.
          • Suppressor T cells (also known as regulatory T cells) suppress activation of the immune system and maintain immune system homeostasis. Failure of regulatory T cells to function properly may result in autoimmune diseases in which the immunocytes attack healthy cells in the body.

          "Along this same line, burn victims and radiation sickness experience immune system responses that attack the body's dead cells creating unwanted infections.

          "Humates cause the immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby reducing infection. Baylor Medical School is currently researching humates both topically applied and internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections.

          "Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation."

        Anti-Viral Properties:

          "Humates are effective media additives for the production of antibiotics in the soil .

          Humic substances have long been known to exhibit anti-viral properties44 in particular rhinoviruses.

          What Is A Rhinovirus?
          A rhinovirus is a virus member of the family Picornaviridae. The rhinoviruses are single stranded positive sense RNA viruses.

          They are the most common viral infective agents in humans. The most well known disease caused by rhinoviruses is the common cold. There are over 100 serologic virus types which cause cold symptoms and rhinoviruses are responsible for around 50% of all cases. The name comes from the Greek rhin, which means "nose".

          Viral pathogens for which soil-extract materials have been shown to be effective include in particular Coxsackie virus A9, herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza type A and B, as well as other respiratory tract infections.

          The mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the cytopathicity (sic) of a number of viruses has been studied in some depth. It is thought that the materials prevent viral replicating by sorbing onto the viral envelope protein and thereby blocking the sorption of viral particles to cell surfaces.

          What Does "Sorbing" Mean?
          Sorb: To take up and hold, as by absorption or adsorption.

          Humic acids have also been employed as veterinary medicine therapy successfully employing peat mull (extracted humic acid) to prevent the transmission of foot and mouth disease in pigs. Humate is a pharmacy that raises non-specific organism resistance. This fact was confirmed by using such models as atoxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, peptic ulcer and hypercholesterolimia."

        Detoxifying Properties:

          "Fulvic acid, a component of humate, is a strong chelator. It is unique in its chelating ability. Life sustaining minerals, when chelated by fulvic, are placed in a chemical state (phyto-state) such that they are readily absorbed by the cell or organism. Toxic heavy metals are also chelated but placed in a chemical state that is difficult for cellular absorption.
          What Does Chelate Mean?
          To remove (a heavy metal, such as lead or mercury) from the bloodstream by means of a chelate (A chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions).

          "Fulvic acid in the soil acts as a filter for toxic metals. It will grab a toxic metal and immobilize it which prevents it from migrating or chemically reacting.

          "When crops are grown on soils deficient in fulvic acid, toxic metals can be absorbed by the plant and passed into the food chain. Many of our foods present today are grown under conditions of "worn out" soil. As a result, more toxic metals are being ingested. Fulvic acid has the capability of removing these toxic metals from the body."

        Microbial Interaction:

          "Humates are known to stimulate microbial activity. In soil testing for microbial activity, levels increased 400 to 5000 times with the introduction of humate (300 ppm) into the soil. Humates added to feed rations stimulate the microbial growth and the extent can be quite large depending upon the species, the culture medium, and the environment .

          "It seems that within the body, humates stimulate the "good" microbes while suppressing the "bad" microbes. Testing of milk during field trials indicated a large increase of microbes within the milk. This is usually an indication to the dairyman of impending mastitis (tit infection). The opposite actually happened.

          "Mastitis cases within the milking herd dropped from an average of 3 to 4 cases daily to 4 cases in a month. Additional confirmation of reduction of mastitis was observed in lactating female goats.

          Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammalian breast caused by the blocking of the milk ducts while the mother is lactating (see breastfeeding). It can cause painful areas on the breasts or nipples and may lead to a fever or flu-like symptom.

          It is not necessary to wean a nursling because of mastitis; in fact, nursing is the most effective way to remove the blockage and alleviate the symptoms, and is not harmful to the baby. Sudden weaning can cause or exacerbate mastitis symptoms.

          "Three female goats with severe mastitis were administered doses of humate over a two-week period. At the end of 7 days, swelling of the mammary glands had subsided and the goats were back to normal activity allowing the kids to nurse without discomfort."

        These are just a few of the health benefits that Humic Acid has been traditionally known for.

      What Should One Look For In A Humic Acid Supplement?

        If you are one of the millions of people that would benefit from humic acid supplementation, be sure to look for a high quality extraction that has been specifically manufactured, sterilized, standardized and prepared safe for human consumption. Remember, humic acid comes from sources that are rife with microbes, whether "good" or "bad."

        Also, not all humic complexes exhibit maximum binding activity. An extract that guarantees the purity and quality and yields a consistent and predictable product should be your only choice.

      Humic Caps meets all of the above criteria!

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